楼主 |
发表于 2011-4-22 22:13:30
1.15 不执着便是对所见所听之物,毫无欲望。
1.15. Desirelessness towards the seen and the unseen gives the consciousness of mastery.
1.16 由于知道了自己的真我,对世上种种都无欲无求,这便是最高的。
1.16. This is signified by an indifference to the three attributes, due to knowledge of the Indweller.
1.17 最高的冥想是由真我与宇宙联合而产生真理、明辨、喜乐的知觉。
1.17. Cognitive meditation is accompanied by reasoning, discrimination, bliss and the sense of 'I am.'
1.18 另一种冥想是由舍弃世俗和持久的锻炼达成,可以消解那些旧的习性。
1.18. There is another meditation which is attained by the practice of alert mental suspension until only subtle impressions remain.
1.19 那些无分别的存有,没有了身体,完全溶入最高的自然。
1.19. For those beings who are formless and for those beings who are merged in unitive consciousness, the world is the cause.
1.20 其它人则要经过信心、发奋、记忆、静虑、智能等阶段。
1.20. For others, clarity is preceded by faith, energy, memory and equalminded contemplation.
1.21 有些人意愿很强,很快便可进入冥想。
1.21. Equalminded contemplation is nearest to those whose desire is most ardent.
1.22 由温和到强烈的锻炼,效果最好。
1.22. There is further distinction on account of the mild, moderate or intense means employed.
1.23 此亦可由对神的顺服达到。
1.23. Or by surrender to God.
1.24 神的灵,不受任何性质或行动所影响。
1.24. God is a particular yet universal indweller, untouched by afflictions, actions, impressions and their results.
1.25 祂是所有知识的来源。
1.25. In God, the seed of omniscience is unsurpassed.
1.26 祂是古人,以至于今人的导师。
1.26. Not being conditioned by time, God is the teacher of even the ancients.
1.27 祂的象征便是那神圣的声音(AUM)。
1.27. God's voice is Om.
1.28 此声应常念诵,便可达到成功。
1.28. The repetition of Om should be made with an understanding of its meaning.
1.29 由它可达至宇宙的意识,并使一切毫无障碍。