Why we need meditation 我们为什么需要静心? From birth until adultery people loose connection with their inner needs. They make choices not based on awareness of what their inner needs are but based on what they think is good. The thinking what is good is not based on your own inner needs but based on family rules, society rules or religion rules. 从出生到长大成人,人们失去了和内在的连接。他们选择的不是内在需要的,而是他们头脑认为好的东西。他觉得好的东西不是来自内在的需要,而是来自家庭、社会或宗教的制约。 The baby is born and if you let it just natural ly on the mothers belly it will find its way to the mothers breast. It is like a miracle, the mother does not need to do anything, just wait and you will watch your baby finding its own way to your breast. When I had this experience the first time with my daughter my eyes were full of tears from happiness. How this small just born baby could know were my breasts are? 当孩子出生时,你让他自然地躺在妈妈的肚子上,他会自已找到妈妈的乳房。这象个奇迹,妈妈并不需要做任何事情,只是等待,而你将会看到宝宝以自己的方式找到你的乳房。当我第一次看到女儿这样做时,眼睛里充满了幸福的泪水,这个小小的刚出生的婴儿,是怎么知道我的乳房在哪里的? Humanity in this days start to cut human intelligence from the beginning life starts. Not many baby’s will get the time to find their own way for search for food. They will be made dependent from human interactions. They will get a bottle in the mouth or they are taken and put at the mothers breast. The very first chance of acting on own intelligence and life power we take from baby’s away. This is just a small example out of many. 现在在生命开始的时候,人类就切断了人的智慧。很少的孩子有机会去以自己的方式得到食物。人们的干扰让他们变得依赖:将会有奶瓶放入他们的嘴里,或者被抱起来放到妈妈的乳房前。我们拿走了孩子最开始以自己的智慧和生命能量行动的机会。这只是其中一个很小的例子。 With
you give food to your own intelligence. Being intelligent is not being best at school, to become rich or famous. Being intelligent is to live a life of fulfilment. Being intelligent is to know yourself and your inner needs and give fulfilment to them. Meditation is needed to give you your intelligence back. Meditation is needed so you know who you are. 通过静心,你让自己的智慧成长起来。这并不是去成为学校的第一名、去成为富有或著名的人。“成为智慧的”是指知道你自己和你的内在需求,并满足它们。静心可以让你的智慧重新显现出来,静心让你知道“我是谁”。 Knowing who you are you can start to live according to your inner needs and give energy to your creativity and love. 知道“我是谁”,你就可以跟随内在来生活,并有能量来创造和爱。
With Love, Mira