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发表于 2009-8-28 18:25:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Joyce:  亲爱的Tom,  从奇迹网站的「教师集锦」专栏里,我感受到,不同的老师似有两种不同解读《奇迹课程》的趋势,Dr. Wapnick 比较强调透过现实生活中的人情世故来化解小我;你与Raj则比较强调与上主或J兄连结,例如:Raj 开口闭口就是"Stay with Me" ,你近来也不断提醒学员Check with Him constantly。   虽说,化解小我与连结圣灵(真我,大我,神我)两者并不冲突,但不同的强调,会生出相当不同的修行风格,直接影响到我每天的起心动念与抉择方向。我出自佛教的修行传统,「与大我连结」的观念自然比「化解小我」更为吸引我。  但若水常提醒我们,《奇迹课程》的重心在于化解潜意识中的小我阴影,至于与圣灵结合的境界,乃是化解小我之后的自然发展,我们若回避小我带给我们的挑战,在与圣灵连结时,很容易不自觉地落入「解离状态」(Dissociation),像海伦那样,能够通传如此高深的课程,自己的小我却依然故我。  Tom:Joyce,多谢你的提问。我很钦佩你在繁重的生活挑战下,还有如此追求真理的心志。     我必须说,唯一需要改变的,只有这个「认定自己有问题」的认知。    让我这样答复你的问题。外表看来,研读《奇迹课程》的方式好似很多,但最后每个人都得回到那「一个」问题— 罪咎与分裂,这正是小我一切认知的出发点。我们每人都有自己「特别」难念的一本经,所以,总以为「那个」问题解决了,所有的人生问题便会迎刃而解。     然而,《奇迹课程》却说:你们根本不知道问题真正出在那儿,也绝不是凭着小我的知见所能解决的,为此,回到自己内在的「真实存在」(Presence)是如此地重要,唯有它方知问题及答案之所在。    人类自古探讨真理的办法,一直都在忙着净化或扩展小我的知见,期待它愈来愈有智慧而逐渐接近真理。直到近年来(因着许多高灵讯息的来临),人们逐渐明白这一条路是走不通的。因为小我的认知是建立在「我们有问题」这个前提上,迫使我们竭尽心力寻找修补之道,或是逼我们随时得防备外来的邪恶。奇迹课程的宗旨即是教我们看清,唯一需要改变的,只有这个「认定自己有问题」的认知。  奇迹课程传给我们另一套思维模式,它会带给人另一种人生体验,最后领我们进入真理。它进一步指出,这一智慧的源头此时此刻就在我们内,只要我们肯改变自己对真相的错误信念,就能通达这一智慧(这一智慧即是圣灵,或上主的代言人,在我心目中,它与上主本身无二)。   它的目的是要帮我们了悟自己的生命是完整无缺的,与一切造化一体无间。无须等到彻底瓦解小我知见以后,才能接通这一智慧。事实上,小我知见一旦瓦解,我们根本无须任何指点,自然明白一切真相了。    奇迹课程以各种方式引领我们接近这个真理,却因这个人生真相与我们当前的想法有天壤之别,因此要通达它,路途自然显得险峻艰辛。要超越这一障碍,人类真的需要极大的天助之力。正文,练习手册与教师指南,都在传授我们这个智慧,在我们证悟自己的真实面目以前,它们都在充当接引的桥梁而已。  你应知道,这个令我们念兹在兹的「小我」(ego),并不是一个生命体,它只是一个观念,也就是由罪咎与分裂的观念发展出来的一套思维模式,只准我们从它的角度去看万事万物,证明我们冥冥中相信的事,果然真的发生了。而《奇迹课程》告诉我们,唯有透过漫长的宽恕过程,我们才可能发现,真的还有另一种看待事物的方式!  我们确实需要觉察小我的黑暗面,但在此同时,也试着了解,黑暗不是邪恶,仅是一个几近绝望的呼号,渴望被人接受,渴望被爱。在这慧眼下,我们才可能看清,究竟是什么因素让我们无法接受自己与他人,而逐渐意识到彼此的一体关系。  问:根据你的经验,我们需要把小我化解到什么地步,才能真正聆听祂的声音,而不受小我的扭曲?    首先,你应明白,「听见」内在的指引,通常只是一种内在的「觉知」,心中浮现的念头,它建议你(而非命令你)如何去想或怎么去做,而且让你感到某种「安心」。你不需要先学什么课程或把小我化解到某一程度,才能有此经验。这种指引随时都在,当你相信它在那儿指引你时,你就能够接到「指引」。    开始时,不易接收得到,则不妨透过别人或书籍间接地领受你所需要的指引。不论如何,这指引会按照你愿意接受的形式降临于你的。  请你别担心,与内在上主之音结合,可能会造成海伦那种解离状态 (dissociation) 。你一与祂结合,你自然不会与小我的知见继续连结了。  问:我听过你一些录音带,都是答复听众的问题;你是否曾经给过专门训练学员「聆听圣灵」的工作坊?像佛教的禅七或十天的内观那样?若没有?为什么呢?  答:我们每次举办团体分享,直接或间接地,都是为了帮助学员与自己的「神我」(God Self) 连结。唯有学会与自己内在导师联机,我们才可能经验到一体生命;若无这一体心境,是不可能悟入真理实相的。     再者,所谓「与我们的长兄(Brother)连结」,说穿了,不过是表达出我们的意向与愿心而已,因为(在实相的层次)我们与他从未分开过,不需要任何修练才能相连。  我们的座谈,称之为聚会(Gathering),着重的焦点不是冥想,而是一种共融与交流,清除个人通往这一体生命的障碍而已。  我十分赞同个人冥想,利用圣灵的内在指引,领你踏上最适合你的道路。  至于如何直接迈向上主或圣灵?找到你内在的真我,你就找到了上主或圣灵,这是最直接的一条的快捷方式。而与其它弟兄姊妹或是与圣灵建立和谐而一体的关系(两者实际上是同时发生的),则是找到你的真我最直接的一条路。  问:我对你的教诲非常有兴趣,不知何时才有幸听到你的教诲?
答: 我和Linda 不再像以前那样四处演讲了,但明年我们有可能拜访台湾,目前还不敢确定。明年春天,我们也可能在英国举办一次「聚会」。  我们在1992年出版了一本通灵资料「有关觉悟的对话」(Dialogue on Awakening)。我们也发行了不少「聚会」的录音带,你若喜欢,我很乐于寄给你。这些录音带不属于通灵数据,是我们夫妇从「内在觉性」答复听众的问题。  希望这些答复对你有所帮助,祝你充满真理的祝福。  Tom  Dear Joyce,
Thank you for your question. I admire you for your choice to pursue the truth, despite the difficulties now present in your life. Accepting the awareness of what is true about us is the solution for all our perceived problems.
To answer your questions, let me begin by saying that while it appears there may be different ways to approach studying the Course each must ultimately address the single issue which is at the foundation of the ego perception – sin and separation. We all seem to have unique stories about why our lives do not unfold joyfully and what our “problems” are, and so we each tend to want to address that problem as the solution to all our difficulties. Jesus tells us that rarely do we know what the problem really is. And never is the ego perception capable of providing a solution. This is why it is so important for us to turn to the Presence within us that does know the problem and does have the answer.
The history of our search for truth is one of trying to find ways to purify or expand the ego perception to “enlighten” us to the truth. We have not known until now that this is an impossible situation. The ego perception is founded on the belief that there is something wrong with us and so we have endlessly searched for ways to “fix” or guard against all the evil we have felt the need to be protected from. The goal of what A Course in Miracles teaches is to help us see that the only thing that needs changing is our perception that there is something wrong with us.
The Course teaches there is an alternative way of thinking that will effect a different life experience and ultimately lead us to the truth. It tell us that the source for this wisdom is within us now and that we can access it by changing our belief of what is true. We know this wisdom as the Holy Spirit or Voice for God. I think of it as the God Self. Its purpose is to guide us to the realization of our wholeness, our oneness with all Creation. It is not necessary that the ego perception be undone to access it. Indeed, once the ego perception is gone we will have no more need to be reminded of what is true.
The role of A Course in Miracles is to make us aware there is an alternative to the ego perception, that this wisdom is now in our mind and, finally, to teach us how to access it. Because the truth is so radically different from what we now think, and initially reaching our own inner wisdom so hard to be effectively of significant help, the Text, Workbook and Teachers Manuel are to teach us what this wisdom is; to be a bridge until we have found our own truthful Self.
What we refer to as the “ego” is not an entity, but merely an idea; an idea of sin and separation from which a way of thinking arises to insure that we will perceive everything in such a way to validate that what we believe is true is actually true. Using the process of forgiveness we discover there is another way to see. We do become aware of the ego “dark side,” but at the same time learn to understand it is not an evil side, but one that is simply desperate to be accepted and loved. It is in this way we learn of what the blocks are to accepting ourselves and others and move toward the awareness of our oneness.
You have asked: “How much are we supposed to undo the ego in order to hear Him (Holy Spirit) without distortion?” First understand that “hearing” guidance is most frequently experienced as an inner knowing; a thought that appears in your mind. It will suggest, not command, what to think or do and will always leave you with a sense of peace. There is no prerequisite of what must be learned or undone for this to occur. It is available all the time and you will receive it when you believe that it is there for you. If you initially have difficulties you may ask to receive it from others, from books, etc. It will come in whatever form you are willing to have it. And please do not be concerned that joining with your Voice For God needs to create any sense of “dissociation,” except, of course, that you will no longer associate who you are with the ego perception.
Other answers to your questions:
(a) re: workshops or trainings to receive guidance from Brother or HS. Every sharing we do is aimed either directly or indirectly at connecting with our God Self. Learning to connect to our/the one inner Teacher is the experience of our oneness from which all awareness of truth arises. Connecting with Brother is also a function of intention and desire since we are all connected all of the time anyway. There are no other procedures or training required. The trainings, I call them gatherings, that we do are not focused on meditation but rather on communion or communication that removes the blocks to our oneness. I urge meditation on a personal basis using the inner guidance of the HS to lead you in the way most appropriate to you.
(b) How to be led directly to God / HS? Finding the reality of your inner self is finding God and is the most direct way to do it. And being in the harmony of union with another, or with the HS (both of which actually occur together), is the most direct path to finding your Self.
(c) Our gatherings and other materials. We do not travel as much as we used to, but it is possible we will come to Taiwan next year, though I do not yet know for certain. We may do a spring gatherings in the UK next year as well. We have a book: Dialogue on Awakening, which are channelings from Brother, done in 1992. We also have a collection of tapes from various gatherings we have done. I will be happy to send you a list of them if you like. These are not channeled, but questions others ask and Linda, my wife, and I, attempt to respond to from our own inner awareness.
I hope my answers have been of some help. I wish you the blessings of truth.  
  转自: 奇迹课程中文部-Ask Tom专栏 2006/4/7
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