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分享 硬盘 fat32 转 ntfs 方法
admin 2010-3-17 19:18
由于要下一个12G的文件,硬盘都是fat32 格式不支持这么大的,首先想到用PQmagic,却提示要先把所有中文文件名的文件先改成英文的再转换,我的天啊,文件太多,此路不通。 网上搜索发现简单实用的方法。 1.点“开始→程序→附件→命令”提示符(这是Windows XP内置的一个类似于DOS的界面,内部所有的指令语句和DOS下的基 ...
950 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 从受身体所限的游戏中恢复自由 The Game of Being limited Bodies
admin 2010-3-13 14:52
Basically, we are all infinite, perfect Beings. I assume that most of us accept this, at least theoretically. We are told this by the scriptures, especially the Hindu scriptures. The Masters tell us this. I come along and say the same thing. But why don't we express ...
996 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 缘份五月
admin 2010-3-12 14:29
就算前世没有过约定 今生我们都曾痴痴等 茫茫人海走到一起 算不算缘分 何不把往事看淡在风尘 只为相遇那一个眼神 彼此敞开那一扇心门 风雨走过千山万水 依然那样真 只因有你陪我这一程 多少旅途多少牵挂的人 多少爱会感动这一生 只有相爱相知 相依相偎的两个人 才能相伴走过风雨里程 多少故事 ...
772 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 两种彻底消除痛苦的方法---逃离痛苦只会持续永远痛苦
admin 2010-3-12 01:56
Most of you don't realize that every day you are presented with wonderful opportunities to make major steps in your growth. Were you to look at and see this, the Goal that seems so difficult and elusive would soon be in your possession. A waken to this fact and be done ...
945 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 对人生百分百负责----从受害者到创造者--you were always the master
admin 2010-3-11 13:21
Would you want one practical key for quickly reaching the Goal, I would recommend that you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you. We have lost sight of our mastership and have ~eluded ourselves into thinking we are vict ...
996 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 the greatest of all givingness 最伟大的给予
admin 2010-3-10 17:29
Lester: Well, first givingness. If we give with strings attached, with reservations, with recriminations, there is little joy in it. But when we give freely we have the greatest of feelings. And it's this constant spirit of givingness that is t ...
904 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Sedona Method 释放法的基本原理
admin 2010-3-8 14:48
我們本就已經完美與完整,因此一切都不需要外求。 我們如果還沒能在這個有形世界中展現那個完美,如果過得辛苦、覺得目標夢想難以實現,都只不過是因為我們在那個完美與完整的「真我」之上,層層疊疊加上太多的限制,導致我們不認為自己完美/完整、或感覺不到我們的完美與完整罷了。 這些限制,包括了我們的一切思想、信念 ...
1086 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 QUOTES FROM LESTER ----From, "Keys to the Ultimate Freedom".
admin 2010-3-5 14:16
All behavior, every act of this world, is based on the desire for love. This desire causes us to seek for approval, acceptance, attention, power, fame, and fortune. Unfortunately, however, love cannot be gotten this way, and we become frustrated and unhappy. Only by loving can we f ...
843 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 终极幸福之路 The "happiness with no sorrow" can only be found by goin
admin 2010-3-3 16:02
I'll start with that which we're all interested in, all right? The word that I like best for our subject is Happiness. When we analyze that which everyone is seeking or looking for, it is happiness, right? And when you find God, your Self, that turns out to be the ultimate happiness. When we seek ...
1059 次阅读|0 个评论
admin 2010-3-3 15:47
The whole object on the path is to let go of the ego. What remains is your Self. *** The only growth there is, is the eliminating of the ego. *** Ego is the sense of "I am an individual separate from the All." In the extreme, it is egotism. *** ...
793 次阅读|0 个评论

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