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丰盛之书——第二十六章 巩固你的目的,以便完全拥有你所想要的

热度 7已有 3432 次阅读2013-4-7 20:16 |个人分类:丰盛之书| 释放法, 丰盛之书, 心灵

第二十六章  巩固你的目的,以便完全拥有你所想要的







"That which you are seeking is seeking you more so."--Lester Levenson





In this chapter, I'd like to take a look back. Turn to pages 16-17 and look at the intention(s) you had before starting The Abundance Course. Now see where you are in connection to achieving that intention.


Intention is a very important part of life. Most people's feelings are on automatic. They're not clear about what they're doing. They are reactive rather than being quiet. One of the things I suggest that you get in the habit of doing is the following: Before you go somewhere, sit down and decide an intention. Have an intention to have a good time, to get the order, to have fun. Once you decide on an intention, you take yourself off automatic so you don't get reactive. Therefore, if you go to a party, if you have resistance and part of you feels like you shouldn't go, part of you feels that you have to go, sit down and do an advantage and disadvantage session toward going. Then set an intention for the party. You may decide not to go, but because you released on your feelings, whatever you're going to do will be done to the best of your abilities and you'll have a great time. Most people are playing "A: They lose, B: They lose" in life. They have a feeling they shouldn't go, but if they go because their friend wanted them to go, then they have a bad time (A: You lose). If you decide to go, but you didn't release on the feelings when you get there and have a bad time, then it's a case of B: You lose. This occurs because you aren't clear on the intention.





Have a general intention for your life every day. Before you go to a meeting, before you go on a date and/or before you go to a party, have an intention. If you don't know where you're going, you can't get there. By having intentions, it takes you off automatic and allows you to be clear about which direction you want to go. This reminds me of a story I tell about a pilot:


In order for a pilot to take off from the ground, he makes a decision: "I'm going." It is here that he has the intention to take off. And then he rolls the plane around, pointing it in the direction he's going down the runway. He then takes the throttle and pushes it forward. When the plane has enough momentum, it takes off. If the plane doesn't get enough momentum, it just rolls around on the ground and never takes off--or it might just crash. Either way, the plane goes nowhere.





Most of us just don't have an intention in life. We're on automatic. What intention do you have for your life? Do you want to have abundance? Do you want to have health? Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be in peace? It takes a decision on your part--an intention. Take a look and see how strong your intention about your life is. Do you want to override this noisy mind and have it be quiet and happy all the time? What it takes on your part is to have an intention. What intention have you decided to exercise in all the things you've been practicing? Do you have an intention to let it go or do you have an intention to know about it but do nothing? Be smart. Could you let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than what you think it is? What's a good way of overriding this noisy mind that tells you negative thoughts. Could you let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than what you think it is? It's an excellent way of just neutralizing negative thoughts.


Now let's take a look at The Six Steps on page 56 which are the basis of The Method. It is the summary of all the work we've been doing in this course.





STEP 1: You must want imperturbability or freedom more than you want approval, control and security. If that's off, if you want to control a situation, you're not going to release--you're going to be stuck. So you have to resolve: I must want imperturbability or freedom or the goal more than I want approval, control and security. And then you're leaving yourself open for releasing mode. I also would recommend that you take the six steps and hang them on your refrigerator or on your mirror. Some people reduce it into a small size and put it in their wallet. I've written it in the back of one of my address books so I have it all the time. I've had it for years.


STEP 2: Decide you can do The Method and be imperturbable (or free). It's just a decision. Life is a decision. I'm going to let go. Would you? Could you? When? Now? It's a decision. Could I let it go, would I let it go ... and when? Decide you can do The Method and be imperturbable. One of the things that helps you in your decision is to continue to write your gains down. Every time you release, write it down. I was disturbed, I went to a meeting and I got all upset. However, I was able to release on it and calm down instantaneously. I had a lack of clarity. All of a sudden, I released and I got clear. Things like that will help you discriminate and reinforce the decision to be imperturbable and practice The Method. And so I would highly recommend that you continue making goals and writing them down.





STEP 3: See all your feelings culminating into three wants: 1. The want of approval; 2. The want of control; 3. The want of security, safety and/or survival. See that immediately and immediately let go of the want of approval, want of control or the want of security, safety and/or survival.


STEP 4: Make releasing constant. If you stop releasing, the muscle shuts down. You'll go right back into your head. So once you start this momentum, it's like that pilot--heading down the runway. He's got enough momentum. If he doesn't have enough momentum, he won't take off. Instead, he'll just roll around on the ground. So once you continue the releasing and open up the releasing mode, just allow this releasing to continue and don't stop. And continue to release. Make releasing constant.





STEP 5: If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control the stuckness. You put the tube down into the energy and you just let go of clutching, let go of resisting and allow the energy to come up and pass through. That's the way you let go of changing the stuckness. Just create a window. If you can't, then release with the tube. Create a window where you got the energy stuck. It doesn't have to be in your stomach or chest area. Whatever works for you, just let it go.


STEP 6: Each time you release, you are happier and lighter. If you release continually, you will continually be happier and lighter. This step is very important. It's the step that took Lester all the way to total imperturbability. He decided that he wasn't stopping until he got all the goodness of what he was doing. The way he described it: He got so much high energy and so much joy by releasing continually that it became uncomfortable. He had to walk it off in Manhattan for hours at three o'clock in the morning, just letting that energy go. And finally he couldn't stand it anymore. He had so much joy that he took a "look-see" behind it--and there was peace. He let the joy go and fell into this peace--and it never left him.





Now, you keep looking for it. Every time you get high, don't stop. Just say to yourself, "Could it get any better?" Then let it go. And could it get any better? And let it go. And decide you're not stopping until you get all the goodness of what we're doing. This is that profound. Just continue to say, "Could it get any better?" and let it go. That'll take you all the way.


If you hold on to something that's good, you're going to stop releasing. You're going to coast--and you're actually practicing suppression without realizing it. And if something's bad, you're going to stuff it. You already know that. So, keep asking yourself, "Could it get any better?" and just allow the energy to pass through.





Take the Scale of Action chart on page 46. Take a look as to where you're at. Decide where you're at and then ask yourself, "Could it get any better?" Let it go. Watch yourself move up the chart. And then, when you see where you are, ask yourself again, "Could it get any better?" Release and move up. Watch what happens. You'll just keep moving up and up and up and up.


Again, the Six Steps are a key to everything.










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