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发表于 2009-8-28 18:24:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘要: 诱惑乃是一种不诚的人间游戏,起初双方都是有意识地参与其中,慢慢地,诱惑者与受诱者在这个所谓「双赢」的游戏中,不知不觉地被小我吞噬而忘失了真我      文/Rajpur,若水译   亲爱的朋友:   什么是诱惑?凡是能让你顿失所据、身不由己地反应的,就是诱惑。同样的,凡是你认为有助于你逃避真诚、负责以及尊重真我的任何借口,也可视为诱惑。   前者能利用你,而后者则被你利用。   诱惑并非什么邪恶,它只是一种漫不经心,自我放纵的心态,让你看不清事情的真相,让你陷于黑暗… 使得无人能认出真实的你。   诱惑乃是一种不诚的人间游戏,起初双方都是有意识地参与其中,慢慢地,诱惑者与受诱者在这个所谓「双赢」的游戏中,不知不觉地被小我吞噬而忘失了真我,这原是人间游戏的目的所在。   忘失真我的存在,等于是打击真我的行为,因此,它可以算是一种邪恶,但这实在太抬举了那「单纯的漫不经心」了,有点儿小题大作,把它当成一场状似高层次的战争,一场实相与幻相的圣战。于是,个个求胜心切,斗志高昂,而忘了,这原本只是「漫不经心」的问题,用普通常识(common sense)就能解决的事情。   只要你认清了,你所做的事情其实正是你想要做的事,这一事实便能帮你看透诱惑的真相,原来,它不过是你想回避真诚、负责以及尊重真我的一个借口而已。这一认知,便让这场游戏再也玩不下去了,于是,你的真我便在眼前现身了,全世界也能看得到祢了。    "Lead us not into temptation."  Dear friends,   Temptation is whatever causes you to act unconsciously, without a grounded reference point. It is, as well, whatever you find useful in avoiding honesty, responsibility and Self-respect.   One you use, the other uses you.   Temptation is not evil. It is carelessness. Indulged in, it obscures the truth from you. It keeps you in the dark . . . or equally, keeps You from being seen.   Temptation is a game of insincerity which two must play quite consciously, a win/win game wherein the tempter and the tempted both become unconscious - self-absorbed and Self-ignored. This is the purpose of the game.   Unconsciousness of Self might well be called attack on Self, and therefore "evil." But that elevates the "simple carelessness" - which prompted self-absorption - artificially and makes it seem as though there might just be a war of grand dimensions . . . one between Illusion and Reality. And thus a quest to win the war takes precedence, distracting those involved from simple common sense - addressing carelessness!   The simple fact, if you acknowledged it, that you are always doing just exactly what you choose to do, would put temptation in its place. It would be seen as an excuse for irresponsibility, dishonesty and lack of Self-respect. And such acknowledgment would halt the game, uncover You to you, and You to all the world.   Rajpur
Kingston, Washington
January 15, 2002  转自:奇迹课程中文部  Rajpur 专栏2006/10/19
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