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ATTITUDE AND ACTION - Keys to the Ultimate Freedom

发表于 2010-4-23 11:48:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Attitude and action in our daily life should be consciously used for growth all the time. When so used there is no time when you are not growing. It is an excellent way of constant and continual growth. Remember, when you are not growing, you are regressing.


All attitude and action should be in the direction of helping yourself and others toward Realization.


Have an attitude of harmlessness toward all beings and do not want them to behave as you would like. The same thing said positively would be: Have an attitude of love toward all beings and allow them to be the way they are.


To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. This is the law of compensation, also called karma.


Daily toil is a waste of time unless you continuously use it to learn what you need to know from the resistances of it. Square it with love, take full responsibility and the resistance melts. The less toil and more quest and realization of Self, the righter the direction and the easier becomes living.


Every act and every attitude is a step forward or a step backward.


Everything that we do that is not in the direction of the Self forestalls the continuous bliss and sustains the misery.


Determine the goal of your life and then find the shortest road to it.


Everyone is doing exactly what he or she wants to.


It isn't right for us to tell anyone anything unless they want us to.


Don't waste your time socializing; use it realizing.


It matters not what you believe or do not believe,-it does matter what you do.


Anything that you do that is not directly related to growth is a waste of time.


You can only be interested in negativity if negativity is interesting to you.


Never evaluate for the other one; let the other one do the evaluating for himself.


Ill try means I think I can't. That's why trying doesn't accomplish anything but trying. Rather than try, do it!


If you can't do it yourself, how can you tell someone else how to do it?


Nothing happens to us that isn't caused by us.


I can't means I won't. Everything is possible.


Hurriers are worriers and worriers are hurriers.


Everyone is right as far as he goes.


The more you act out the law of mutuality the more capable you are of carrying it out naturally.


Praise is destructive. It encourages and develops ego.


Every act and thought that is not for the good of others creates a bondage, a limitation, that must necessarily materialize.


Attitudes are far more important than actions.


No matter what happens to a human being, no matter what it is. the heaviness is caused by his attitude toward it.


When anything bad happens to you, know that only you are causing it. Then you can change it.


Trying is an excuse for not doing.


If two people want to fight, should we stop them? If it is mutual, it's right for them.


Economize your time. Minister only to your needs. Dont waste time creating things beyond your needs.


Spend your time in search of ever-new joy or bliss. Then rest in the eternal serenity of bliss, night and day.


Dependency is deadly for growth.


A dependency relationship does not allow you to think for yourself, admits you are dependent on another human being, and prevents you from seeing your infinity. Conformity is dependency, is having to do what others do, wanting their approval. An independent person is always an oddball, not understood by society.


Everything you do is with your inner motivation and is motivated from your inner state of beingness that you have attained.


All action is ritual.


You've got to read behind people's words.


Life in the world should consist of only two things. that which helps us grow, or that which will help others grow.


Crying is motivated by a feeling that we cannot do. If we feel that we can do something about it we have no grief. Our thought goes to doing it rather than thinking, Oh, I can't. I'm helpless. If you thought you could do, you wouldn't cry. If you have the determination that you can do, you won't cry. It's good not to give in to grief. Cancel grief when it comes by affirming that you can do.


There's no such thing as a mistake, we do it! There is no such thing as an accident, we do it!


To be interested in things outside of yourself you must get your interest off your little self.


You shouldn't support people in their weaknesses, it boomerangs.


Any advice comes back to you karmic ally.


If you explain something, do it through the other one's point of view.


That which you embrace becomes a part of you.


It's so much faster for your growth to know that only you can do it for you.


There's nothing bad; there's just making errors on the way back Home.


Advice is ego playing God.


Outlook differs according to the sight of the person. In gross eyes, all is gross. In mental eyes, all is mental. If the eye (1) becomes the Self, the eye is infinite and all is seen as your infinite Self.


Attitude toward a child and an adult should be the same.


Behavior is general. We don't behave one way with one person and another way with another.


Everything one does is motivated from one's basic motivation, therefore one behaves similarly in all situations. Only a freed person doesn't. That is why a freed person is an enigma to others.


Your behavior with the world will be the same as it is with your parents.


One is a fool who doesn't use the experience of others. It is a wise man who learns from others' experiences.


Your attitude toward anything will be your blessing or your curse.


We look for confirmation of our feelings, positive or negative. Better look for the reality of things.


Fully trust a crooked person and he will be honest with you.


He who excuses, accuses himself.


Don't defend yourself, reform!


Sympathy is something we should never feel as sympathy is supporting the other one in his misery. Compassion is understanding him and wanting the best for him.


If they think that sympathy is love, you have to grant them their right to think that. When they want sympathy there is nothing you should do. You can't join them, so you just let them be.


Complexity is the lack of understanding.


Tension is caused by wanting to go in two opposite ways at the same time.


Being a skeptic is good if it causes you to prove things.


Non-attachment is the way to happiness. Disown all things from your heart while taking care of them. Consider them borrowed for use only. Use them with gratitude.


Perform material duties with service. Otherwise you are limiting yourself, your consciousness, your growth.


When you act in the world, you shouldn't care for the fruits thereof, If they are good, O.K. If they are bad, O.K. It shouldn't matter how it comes out. Whatever you do don't have attachments or aversions to it and you will transcend this world.


Action does not cause bondage, but the sense of doership does. It is the wrong identifying of yourself as the doer of the action that causes bondage.


It doesn't matter what we do in the world so long as we remember what we are.


If your interest is in God you should talk only God. If one is on the path one should never talk about anything but God or the things necessary in living. Other than that the lips should be sealed. Talking not about God sends you in a downward direction. Anytime you are not talking about God, you are actually talking about the opposite.


Nothing said should ever bother you.


Anything that bothers you is not outside you. The bother is within you.


Rebellion is better than the inability to rebel. Be st is acceptance with no wish to rebel.


Gratefulness is a very joyous state. Want to be always happy? Maintain a state of gratitude.


Have no doubt and you can do anything.


There is no doubt when you have radical reliance on God.


See no obstacles and there will be no obstacles.


He who gets elated necessarily gets deflated.


Everyone should be your friend. We've got to attain equal-mindedness toward all beings to reach the top.


Our attitude should be the same toward all life.


Almost everything that we do lessens God.


When all are included, one is not deluded.


There is one thing we cannot do and that is to give up our mastership. We only blindly believe we can. We blindly give our power to others to hurt us.


Discussing good actions and bad actions is discussing whether you should be good in the illusion or bad in the illusion. Realize that there is no illusion!


When your understanding is high enough, you see only confirmations of truth in everything you hear, see or read.


Isolation does not give quietude. Elimination of thought does.


Escape, by moving away from problems, is not quietude. It's momentarily escaping the disturbance only to meet it again.


The only quietude is within. Get to the place where no one and no thing can bother you.


The highest compassion is to know that no compassion is necessary.


Rightest action is completely selfless.


The two greatest things you can do are to keep up the quest of What am I? and to be not the doer but be the witness.


The greatest act is to only be.


Beingness is higher than doingness, and doingness is higher than havingness.


The more you just be, the more you realize that you are the world, everyone and every thing. The more active you are, the more you are being limited by the particular act you are involved in. You are that personality involved in that act doing that particular thing which is quite infinitesimal in the realm of infinity! The greatest action is in the realm of inaction, being the All. A master is aiding every being on this planet. By his seeing every person as a master he is supporting them as being a master. So seeing and supporting nearly four billion people as masters is quite an activity, isn't it?


A contented person needs no action. One who is not content must do.


In Reality, there's nothing to be done, nothing to be achieved. If you can realize that, you've got it made!


The best behavior is that which is in accordance with the way a master would act, dispassion, seeing all as equals, being the witness, being not the doer. Maintain the state which is natural in the realized state!


Be what you really are! Be your Self!


You can be, - when there is no striving!


All behavior should be that which is characteristic of the egoless state or the state of the Self: changelessness, equal mindedness; seeing only the Self, seeing only perfection; having the same attitude toward good and bad fortune, identifying with all, indifference to praise or censure; having joy only in your Self, having complete passivity, complete humbleness; being not the doer, having desirelessness, dispassion, non-attachment, forbearance.


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