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《The Power of Love 》(爱的力量)

发表于 2012-6-8 17:02:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 消融 于 2012-7-4 23:41 编辑

The Power of Love


Love is Absolutely Necessary If We Ever Expect to Get Full Realization

(Lester Levenson Speaking to Students in California, February 25, 1965)
I thought tonight I might talk on the subject of love. Love is one word I seldom use, mainly because it's so misunderstood. I also believe that through this method of growing or only through growth do we understand what love is; that by defining it we just add some more words to the usual words and it doesn't really convey the meaning of the word love. But love is an absolutely necessary ingredient on the path, if we ever expect to get full realization. We must increase our love until it is complete.


Now, the love I talk about of course has nothing to do with sex. Sex is a body gratification. However, we have confused it, most of us, very much with love. And the majority of us still tie it in with love. Although, when you see what sex is and what love is, you'll see they're two different things. They can be tied together, but they don't have to be. The love that we talk about here  is the love of Jesus Christ. It's the love complete, which expressed in the extreme is "Love thy enemy."


I think the best definition of the word, as it seems to me, is love is a feelingness of givingness with no expectation of receiving for the giving. It's a very free giving. And it's an attitude that is constant. Love doesn't vary, at least the type of love we're talking about. The amount we have, we apply to everyone. We love our family as much as we love strangers. This might sound odd but this is the truth. To the degree we're capable of loving strangers, to that degree we're capable of loving our families.


The concept of possession is just the opposite of the meaning of love. In love there is never a holding on to, a fencing in, or anything like that. Love has a sense of freeing the ones we love. When we are giving, we have an attitude, we want the other one to have what the other one wants. I guess the best example of this type of love is the love of a mother for a child and sometimes a father. A mother will sacrifice and give everything to the child without considering herself.


There are many other definitions for love, I'm just trying to think what they are. I think acceptance is a good word. When we love people, we accept them the way they are. If we love this world, we accept the world the way it is. We don't try to change it, we let it be. We grant the world its beingness, the same way we should grant every other person his or her beingness. Let them be the way they want to be. Never try to change them. Try to change them is injecting our own ego. We want them to be the way we would like them to be. So love is a feeling, first of all, of oneness with, of identity with the other one or all other ones. When there's a full love you feel yourself as the other person. Treating the other person is just like treating your very own self. There's complete identity.

Love is not only a feeling, love is a tremendous power which is so little understood in the world today. We have an example of this type of love being expressed today by Martin Luther King. No matter how much he's attacked, he will give out nothing but love to his attacker. He teaches non-violence. Now, the biggest demonstration of this type of love was Mahatma Gandhi's winning a war against Britain  without any arms. Through teaching, the British are our brothers, we love the British, non-resistance to the British and to the British soldiers, only love for them. Gandhi understood this and was able to win over enough followers in India to make this effective.



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谢谢!:)  发表于 2012-6-17 00:55
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-17 01:09:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 消融 于 2012-8-15 21:18 编辑

Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe

The power behind love without question is far more powerful than the hydrogen bomb, once you see what love is. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. When we express love, as love is, not as we have been taught to think what love is. It is said sometimes that God is love, and I say one with God is a majority. One individual with nothing but love can stand up against the entire world, because this love is so powerful. Which I think leads us somewhat into seeing that this love is nothing but the self with a capital "S," that we speak of. This love is God. God is love. God is all powerful. So there's some authority for what I'm saying besides my saying it. Love will give not only all the power in the universe, it will give all the joy and all the knowledge.
Now, how to make this practical? The best way of increasing our capacity to love is through wisdom, understanding. However, we can do things in our everyday life that will raise our level of love. The first place to practice love is at home with the family. We should try to love our family more and more and more. I think everyone knows the wonderful experience of love, of loving one person. So, you could imagine what it's like if you love 3 billion people. It would be 3 billion times more enjoyable.

So, home is the first place to keep trying to increase our love for the ones around us, by granting them their beingness. That's the most difficult thing, I believe, to do in a family, to grant the other one the other one's beingness, especially if the other one is a child. But every child is a whole, complete, infinite individual. Next, after loving the ones in our home, we should try to love our neighbors. Then our larger group—our state, our country. Then, we should try to love all people, all over the world.

"Even Russians?" a man asks.

Even Russians. I heard Oral Roberts say something on that some Sundays ago. He said people ask what would Jesus be like if he came back today. And he said he wouldn't be the way people expect. He wouldn't have anything against anyone. He would not hate the Communists. He would talk against doing wrong, doing evil, but he would never say anything against any human being. I believe that if we understood the power of love, in that if the majority of Americans loved the Russians, Russia would be conquered by the Americans without any arms.

And after we learn to love all the people in this world, there are many more people outside of this world. I think loving all the people in this world would allow us to meet with our brothers and sisters of other worlds because in this universe, there are many, many dimensions, many, many places of abode. And because of our incapacity to love on this planet, we have cut them off.

So, to come back to a point of being practical, the more we practice love, the more we love and the more we love, the more we can practice love. The more we develop love, the more we come in touch with the harmony of the universe, the more delightful our life becomes, the more bountiful, the more everything. It starts a cycle going, where you spin upwards, this loving and receiving. That's another thing, if we want to be loved the way to do it is to love. It's not only the very best method, but I think it's the only method of receiving love, is to love because what we give out must come back. But looking for love without loving does not bring love to us, does not satisfy us. The happy one is the one loving, the one giving. Blessed is the giver because he's so much happier, if he gives from his heart. Are there any questions on this concept of love?
因此,回到实践爱的一个要点上,我们越多实践爱,我们爱的越多,我们爱的越多,我们越能更多的实践爱。 我们越多发展爱,我呢局越多的和宇宙中的和谐相连接,我们的生活会变得更加令人愉快,更加丰富,所有东西更加充足。一个爱和接纳的上升的良性循环就开始了。还有一点,如果我们希望被爱,我们达成它的方式就是去爱。去爱,这不仅是最好的方式,也是得到爱的唯一方式。因为,我们所给出的必然会返回来(到我们身上)。但是,没有带着爱的去寻找爱并不会给我们带来爱,也并不会使我们满足。快乐的人是一个在爱着的人,在给予的人。有福的是给予的人,如果他是从心底里给予的话,因为他是如此的更加的快乐。关于爱的这个概念有什么问题吗?

"You made a statement if you don't love someone more, you hate the other person less." says a man.

I think before that though, I'd like to remind you of another point. When we say we love one person more than another, if we would trace it through by going inwardly, we will find that the one that we love more is a person whom we think we need, that has something that we would like to have and therefore, we say we love that person more. Actually, love cannot be chopped up. If you want to test your own love, look at your enemies. This is the real test or if you don't want to go that far, look at strangers. Examine your attitude towards strangers. It should be one of well, they are me, they are my family. Every mother should be our mother. Every father should be our father. Every child should be our child. This is the attitude we achieve through understanding. This is the real sense of the word love.

"Lester, what it seems like to me you're talking about love is giving, giving of yourself and so forth. Here's the conflict I have, occasionally, is that it seems like as you give of yourself, that people tend to take more and more and eventually it seems like they can if you don't, in effect, if you don't put a stop to things, bleed you dry, emotionally, mentally, financially and they use you as a crutch...," says Paul.

Paul, I say no, that's impossible, if we feel the real love. I'm turning right back around the other way. If we have the correct attitude of love, that doesn't happen. Now, what you're saying, I hear very often.

"But don't you think that people.. .there's something about, I don't know. The impression I get is that love is a sign to other people in a way of weakness perhaps and it seems like there's a loss of respect. I just wonder how you can give and yet keep the respect," says Paul.
“但是难道你不认为那些人.. .有一些这样的事,我不确定。我的印象是,对某些人而言爱似乎是一种软弱,似乎会被少一些尊重。我很惊奇你是如何给予而仍然得到尊重”,保罗说。

The givingness is not in things, number one. The givingness is an attitude. We can always maintain an attitude of love. Now, most people who give, are not giving lovingly, they're giving because of the credit they will get for giving. Look at me I'm doing good or I get my name in the paper or something like that. You see, that type of love will get us into trouble. People will drain us on that because were looking.

"For something in return," says Paul.

We're looking to put ourselves up in the process and therefore, they'll pull us down.

"Don't you think though, it's easier to love somebody 5,000 miles away than somebody next door to you," says Paul.

The easiest thing in the universe to do is to love everyone. This is what I think. This is what I've discovered. Once we learn what love is, that's the easiest thing to do. It takes effort and agony not to love. It takes tremendous effort not to love everyone. And you see the effort being expended everyday. But when we love, we're at one with them, we're at peace and everything falls into line beautifully. The main thing is to see love in the sense I'm trying to define it. Then, those things don't happen. But when we love in the sense that humanity understands the word to mean, then you're right. But I don't call that love.

"But what do you call it?" Paul asks.

Selfishness. Actually, we're doing things to help ourselves and yet in the high love, in the spiritual love, there's no self-abnegation. We don't have to hurt ourselves when we love everyone and we don't. You see in love there's a thing of mutuality. That which is mutual is correct. If you love, you hold to that love and therefore people won't take advantage of you. If you're loving, you're applying the most powerful force in the universe. But it's the love of Jesus that I'm talking about. Practically speaking, if someone is trying to hurt you and you just feel love for that person, then that person continues, you'll see them hurt themselves. They continue further, to almost destroy themselves or just knock themselves out. They won't be able to oppose you anymore. But we have to practice this love that I'm speaking of, not to love as we have known it.

"To love the way you're saying, it isn't something that you say I'm going to do. I'm going to love. I'm going to apply this to and love this person so much he's going to kill himself," Paul says.

No, that wouldn't be love.

"It's a basic attitude, it's nothing you're physically or even mentally doing. It's just a concept," Paul says.

It's a constant attitude that evolves in us when we try to develop it. However, we should try practicing the love, as I said before, first on our family. Grant everyone in the family their own beingness, if you can. If you can't, keep trying, keep trying until you can. Then, apply it to friends, then, strangers, then, everyone. See, by doing this you will develop it. Although, as you say, it isn't something you can turn on just like that.

"Just like beingness, you, in a way is all we do have, all of us have it. It's layered over by many attitudes," says Paul.

It's smothered by wrong attitudes. Now, this love I talk about is our basic nature, it's a natural thing, that's why it's so easy. The opposite takes effort. We move away from our natural self. Cover it, smother it with concepts of the opposite of love. Then because we're not loving, unloving comes back at us and proves to us the concepts like Paul brought out, which we all experience when we first start practicing this love. You're not alone Paul.

"Isn't love almost like a selfishness? Because when you love somebody it's such a wonderful feeling for you...," says woman.

Well, this is a matter of semantics that I don't want to get involved in. The way you put it, yes, but not in a general sense.

"I know when I love somebody, I feel so good...," says woman.

It's true, after you discover what love is. It's the greatest thing in the universe. It's a thing everyone wants only because it's its basic nature, in the first place. Every human being is basically an extremely loving individual.

"Does it come down to this thing of pleasure and is it the same type of thing where your mind becomes still in one avenue of thought, of concentration, of acceptance of the other person and therefore the mind is still," says Harry.


"The true nature then comes through, which is the love," continues Harry.

Yes. Yes. The more we love, the less we have to think. If I'm not loving you, I have to be on guard. I have to protect myself. If I'm not loving the world, I'm always protecting myself from the world, which causes more and more and more thoughts, puts me extremely on a defensive and subconsciously it builds up, year in and year out. Then, I'm a mass of thoughts, protecting myself from the world, see. Now, if I love the world, the world can't hurt me, my thoughts get quiet, the mind gets peaceful and then that infinite self is right there and that's the experience of this tremendous joy.

"In other words, it's not the object that brings this out, it's the quieting of the mind that lets us actually being come through. It really is the love experience, isn't it?" says Harry.


"More than the object. When we say it's the object that we love.," continue Harry.

But, it's actually what you say. You're taking it right from the top now.

"The shine coming through.," says Harry.

What Harry is saying is that we take our infinite beingness, our infinite joy and we cover it over with thoughts. We take the natural state, which is unlimited, we cover it up with thoughts of limitation. The thoughts smother this infinite self that we are. It smothers the capacity to enjoy. And so, all we need to do is to quiet the thoughts or rid ourselves of all thoughts. Now, what's left over is the infinite, glorious being that we are, which is our natural state. Isn't that odd? It's our natural state, that's the way we were, that's the way we're going to be. We are actually that now, but we don't see it. This infinite glorious being that we are, being absolutely perfect can never change. It's always there, we just don't look at it, we look away from it, we look far away from it. What we should do is turn our mind inward and begin looking at it and the more we look at it with a capital "I," the more we see It.

Everything seems to point to the same direction, doesn't it? That happens as we get more understanding of what life and the universe is. Everything fits together more and more, until it gets simpler and simpler, until it's just one absolute simple called God. God is simple, everything else is complex. The greater the complexity, the further we are from God. That's why God is one and only one or one without a second. Have I covered the subject of love?

"In practice, then if someone else has a heartfelt desire and our heart, I'm going to use that word, that same feeling and there's a feeling, if I went along with him, I might lose something, than that isn't love. But if it was complete in the sense that whatever they wish, I wish because their feeling must be my feeling, is only one feeling. Then, I wouldn't be afraid. But if I'm afraid.," Bob says.

There's a word for it today called togetherness. It's a very good word. Doesn't that fit what you're saying? Togetherness, together we see one, the same thing, we want the same thing. Is that.

"Seems a little weak, in a sense, to me," continues Bob.

But that's the word being used. I think we'd be better off if we dropped the word love and used words like togetherness, oneness.

".the thought occurred to me that when you're trying to align your interest with another interest. I have the attitude that I know my beingness or I feel that I'm lined up, I can't get hurt. So therefore, how can anybody else hurt me? So therefore, I want the other person to have what they want also because, again, this mutuality thing. I know that I can't get hurt, so I know I must extend the same privilege. It isn't a thing that I have to line up mutually here or, you know, same ideas or align myself with anybody. I just know that I'm on the track, that I'm alright. Then everything else, then nothing can hurt me, regardless of what other attitudes there are," Paul says.

That's true.

"So then you just accept you love or you accept all situations for everybody because it has to be good for them it can't only be good for you regardless of others." Paul continues.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-17 01:11:03 | 显示全部楼层
We Never Hurt When We Love

It's impossible to be hurt when we love fully. We are never hurt when we love fully. We are never hurt when we love. We only feel wonderful when we love. In fact, we feel the greatest when we love.

"Excuse me. If we have a feeling differentiating, though more of course in the beginning, when you say practice in your home. But if you don't feel a sense of togetherness with one more than another, then you begin to separate one's self," Bob says.

It's not full love, it's partial love. And the more partial it is, the less good it feels. When we love all the time, we love every being, we have nothing but tremendously wonderful, warm attitude of everything is fine, every person is just right. We wear our rose colored glasses. That's the way we see the world when we love. When we hate, we see the same world, in just the opposite way. So it's a tremendous thing to learn this little secret of the power of love.

I just wonder if I shouldn't read off some of the definitions in The Ultimate Truth book (The Ultimate Truth About Love & Happiness by Lester Levenson), there's so many ways its been said.

I got these five pages on it. I remember before this book came out I said I never know what to say on love, there isn't much you can say about it. But I did and this was gathered over many, many talks. I could see it's an attempt to convey the concept of the real love by saying it in as many ways as possible. Well, the first one, "Love is a feeling of givingness, with no thought of receiving any return for it." That's the one I started with. "Love is giving with no strings attached."

"Only by loving does love come to us." The more we love, the more love comes to us. I know this is a basic error in many, many people's thinking. They go through life wanting to be loved, never feeling that they are, even when they are really getting the love. Because the feeling has to be in us. If I
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-17 01:12:38 | 显示全部楼层
Love is Acceptance

Love is acceptance. Love is taking people as they are. Love is loving the other one because the other one is the way the other one is. Love is trust. When we love people, we will always trust them. You can use these things as a check upon yourself. If you don't trust someone, you don't love them. That's not an easy one to see and I suggest you work that out yourself. If you don't trust someone, you don't love them. I say, trust the most crooked person in the world and that person

will be honest with you. Love is a feelingness of peace. As we said before, when we love we have no enemies, we don't have to be on guard and we're at ease. Love is identification. It is being the other one by identifying with the other one. Love is what every being is seeking through his every act. That's a powerful one.

Love is identification. It is being the other one by identifying with the other one. You feel as though the other one is you. You identify with them.

"What I was saying before though, if I realize my beingness and only good can come to me, that I'm in the spirit of this love and so on. Then why is it necessary to identify with anybody?" Paul asks.

If you're in that spirit, then you automatically identify with everyone. It goes together.

"You're thinking about two levels, you're thinking the spiritual and are we talking mainly here about physical bodies?" Paul asks.

When I say identify, you are me. When I know that, that's identification complete. I also know your every

thought and feeling, if you are me. That's how complete the identification becomes. This actually happens.

"It becomes, I am my father_______ , I am my

brother______ , I am my sister_____ " a man says.

"Put in practice, if Paul and I are after the same piece of real estate, for example, and we're bidding against each other, my thought would have to be or my feeling would have to be, it doesn't really matter who gets it," Bob says.

Yes, Paul should have it.

"We both have it," Bob says. "See what happens. Pardon?"

"If you say Paul should have it..." woman says.

"It's a mutual, one-hearted feeling. If I cannot feel loss if he gets it and he could not feel loss if I got it," Bob says.

You should enjoy his getting it.

"True, or he would enjoy my getting it," Bob says.


"So, it wouldn't matter anymore than if two people who, in a sense of young lovers wanted something, they'd both want it, it would almost be the same sensation. If the other one gets it, then joy! Isn't that true? Whatever we do, with whom ever we are or even if our enemy gets it, it should have that joy. But who's our enemy then?" Bob asks.

It's a very good question. If you love your enemy you have no more enemies.

"Well, I've made it a practice now, that when any of my friends or acquaintances.

I know or anybody else comes and tells me about a terrific deal they've made, I always grab for their hand and shake it and tell them how happy I am regardless of where it was or if it was something I was trying to buy for a client or anything else, I always tell them that, and believe me the surprised looks that I get show me the success that I've had with a lot of these

people. They're telling me for one reason but I feel real joy at their happiness and good fortune because I feel I'm gaining something too," a man says.

The power and effect of love is obvious, just try it, apply it, like you're doing on that, on other things. The effect is obvious, it's a very powerful thing.

"You know I think that point is really good at accepting people as they are and not by any virtue or anything it's just always been fairly easy for me to do. So I don't know, I just figure its part of me and don't work to attain it, I guess the question I have or I'm more skeptical. What happens when these people have an effect on your life that to your way of thinking, your concept affects you adversely. Isn't there room here for constructive criticism or pointing out the truth as you see it and still accepting them as they are? This is something I, just the last few weeks have done a great deal of thinking about, for one reason or another, is I think in the past as I've accepted people for what they are and said, well as a human being if I was raised like he was and taught like he did, I'd do exactly the same thing, but what happens, it seems like, anyhow, is that I guess I would say I tolerate them, perhaps more than accept them," Paul says.


"But I can't appreciate them when they do something that affects me in an adverse manner," Paul continues.

Paul, we shouldn't look upon them as human beings subject to error. If you saw the absolute truth you'd see infinite, perfect beings. Now, I say this is the truth. Everyone is an infinite perfect being. That when we see them otherwise, we're not seeing the truth. So you see what it does to your concept. I say you're looking at them wrongly and you'll be hurt because of that.

"But what happens if you see them as a perfect being and perfect in their own right, and so forth, and yet something happens that by appearances, anyhow.," Paul says.

By appearances, yeah.

"Looks like its affecting you or your family adversely. Then, what do you have to say then? I'm just not seeing right, huh?" Paul asks.

Change your view. Change your thought. Change something in you and it'll change out there immediately.

"Change your thought," Paul says.

If you don't like the world out there, you must change yourself and immediately the world rightness. Gets to where we want it to be.

"Well, doesn't this mean though, that if you carry this attitude, right on through, not just to this person, but to this country or the whole world and so forth, this world would never change? In other words, isn't all the so called progress brought about by dissatisfaction with people or situations as they exist?" asks Paul.

No, just the opposite. Dissatisfaction throws a monkey wrench into the works. When there's love, progress is the very greatest. I just read one here that love is what every being is seeking through his every act. If you will trace through all your behavior or the behavior of people, what are they looking for? They're looking for love. That's the ultimate. That is the greatest of all progress, is love. Our life is getting far too complex and it's not progress because people are not happier today. I think that's the proof, their happiness. They have thing like they've never had it before. Look at the mess we're in today or don't you see it?

"No, well, I guess it really depends on how you look at it. No, I don't think, I think, I guess that's where I have to differ, I think things are better than ever, I mean the world as a whole. I guess because I think that there is less pain the world today, from a medical stand point, we'll say. There's probably more, I suppose, mental pain," Paul says.

The greatest pain is mental, there's more anxiety and dissatisfaction today than there ever was in our time.

"But, I think, just in my own thinking, I'm not the expert here, but I just think that's because of an unwillingness to adjust, to accept, you might say," Paul says.

I say it's a lack of love. Well, I could put it another way. It's not that we have less love today as much as it is we were so busy, busily occupied in trying to make a living, we didn't have time to be with ourselves. Now, we have time to be with ourselves. Thirty years ago we thought, oh, if we only had things we would be happy and we were striving very hard to get things. Now, we've gotten the things, instead of being happy, we find ourselves less happy, which is good because our next big lesson is to learn that happiness is not in things. It'll go more toward principle in the near future. But we're coming down now to a dangerously, to a dangerous point of getting away from the absolute truth by accepting some of the things of the world as they really shouldn't be accepted by us. We should see the perfection where the seeming imperfection seems to be because we are aiming for the very top. I know I'm not satisfying you very much, Paul. Am I?

"Well, I'm one of these persons that when I hear something I don't form anything, I just kind of let time to sink in...," Paul says.

It's something I can't give you. I can make words and you have to do something with them and if you see what I see, then you'll see it. If you don't, well, work with it, maybe someday you will. But you got a good base to work from, as you said before, it was easy for your to accept people as they are.

"The person then seems to want something, it would really be perfectly alright with me to go along knowing that all is perfect and it doesn't matter to me what they want. It's possible for me to give it to them. It would be, I being them knowing there's only perfection doesn't matter if there's only perfection that comes from it. But if I'm afraid then, I'm separating myself from seeing something besides God, something besides perfection," says Bob.

Now, one of the keys to abundance is the spirit of giving. The key to supply is to develop a constant feeling of givingness. This is a real key in producing supply. If we had an attitude of givingness every moment, and we want the things, they would smother us. A constant attitude of gratitude is also a very helpful thing.

"That's love?" a man asks.

"Gratitude is something that doesn't make sense to me," says Bob.

Then drop it. There's a lot of other words here that could make sense. See, all these things I say, to me, are all the same things. Almost everything I say is the same thing again and again, in different words, in different phrases. I smiled before when Harry saw how this thing of love was the same as something else. In the end, it all comes down to one thing, and only one. So stick to the words that you like and let go of the words you don't.

"Because, after all, it's only your own concept of any word that brings you a realization of the meaning of that word. You mean you have your own concept of it,"a man says.

To me, all these words mean the same thing. Love is acceptance, identification, understanding, communication, truth, God, you, me, it's all the same thing and it will be to everyone if they'll look at it to the same, from the same point, from your very own center. If you look at it from your very own center, you'll see that it's all the same. Your very own center, being your very own self with a capital "S," the real you that you are. Not this fake ego that we're trying to make a big thing of.

"All our schooling, all education, everything is, and has been, given to us and now we're trying to bring it all together," says Harry.

That's why I've said education is actually a system of learned ignorance, it's a miseducation, as it is today. All the important things in life are never taught. No matter how many years you go to college you don't get any courses on happiness, love, life; all these subjects that are so important, that everyone is seeking, there's not a single course in any college in this country on it.

"Everybody'd paid 'cause it's a snap course," says Harry.

"We don't have any properly qualified teachers. The game must be played," a man says.

"We have one that's pretty close," a man says.

It's an attitude of givingness, it's not an actual givingness of things. Now, giving things could be part of it. And giving things could be just the opposite of love. I can give you things because I want you to like me, that's not love on my part, that's trying to bolster my ego.

"You're seeking love," a man says.

However, the greatest givingness that can be given is to give understanding, to give wisdom. If a man asks me for a meal and I give it to him, five hours later he needs it again. But if I get across to him the principle on how to produce a meal, he'll never go hungry again. So, the greatest givingness is understanding, wisdom.

"I was going to say before, when Paul was talking about the other person doing things which may seem to be against you to gain his end, but really he's merely attempting to gain love by doing this for someone in his field. And therefore, if you understand that understanding and you know he's doing it to gain love or for love, that's seeing through this misconception of the person," a man says.

Carry that through to the extreme and you'll see every person, in his every act, is seeking love.

"Alright. Then, if I know that and it seems though he's doing something against me, I know he's doing something for him and therefore he can't be doing it against me. I know that," a man says.

And as long as you know it, you are correct. Nothing can be done against you.

"Well, it's just that circle, if he's doing it for himself, then he's doing it for you, too. Right Kenny?" a man says.

"Yeah. Micro to macro," Kenny responds.

"Micro to macro. That's right." man agrees.

"But if a person hesitates to give things it's because he feels he doesn't have it all and that he would be taking something from himself," Bob says.

It's in the attitude, not in the actual giving or not giving.

"But if you see so many people who are frightened when they speak of giving things and I don't see the difference. If they are so capable mentally, certainly they have all the things they need to give," Bob says.

"Sometimes giving sustains the basic thought behind the condition bringing about the giving," Harry says.

"Wow," man says.

"Like you are investing in a heart fund, say, if I feel love to the heart disease, then I give to the heart's fund, so to speak. Right? If I would want to actually fight heart disease, I would see the imperfection in the thought, in the thing and know the perfection," Harry says.

There's all levels of helping, all degrees of helping.

"So, a lot of this giving to charities and some other things is really a sustaining of the condition of which we think we're giving to eliminate," Harry says.

Mmm, hmm.

The power and effect of love is obvious, just try it, apply it, like you're doing on that, on other things. The effect is obvious, it's a very powerful thing.

"You know I think that point is really good at accepting people as they are and not by any virtue or anything it's just always been fairly easy for me to do. So I don't know, I just figure its part of me and don't work to attain it, I guess the question I have or I'm more skeptical. What happens when these people have an effect on your life that to your way of thinking, your concept affects you adversely. Isn't there room here for constructive criticism or pointing out the truth as you see it and still accepting them as they are? This is something I, just the last few weeks have done a great deal of thinking about, for one reason or another, is I think in the past as I've accepted people for what they are and said, well as a human being if I was raised like he was and taught like he did, I'd do exactly the same thing, but what happens, it seems like, anyhow, is that I guess I would say I tolerate them, perhaps more than accept them," Paul says.


"But I can't appreciate them when they do something that affects me in an adverse manner," Paul continues.

Paul, we shouldn't look upon them as human beings subject to error. If you saw the absolute truth you'd see infinite, perfect beings. Now, I say this is the truth. Everyone is an infinite perfect being. That when we see them otherwise, we're not seeing the truth. So you see what it does to your concept. I say you're looking at them wrongly and you'll be hurt because of that.

"But what happens if you see them as a perfect being and perfect in their own right, and so forth, and yet something happens that by appearances, anyhow.," Paul says.

By appearances, yeah.

"Keeping it in mind, therefore sustaining it. And again, of course, the bigger thing behind it all is you say...," Harry says.

"The perfection," man says.

"Well, yes, perfection, but the attitude on our part of the spiritual giving, of the lifting, of not sustaining the condition, but of lifting spiritually above the condition, so that you don't, so that you see the perfection" Harry says.

"Seeing the perfection, instead of the imperfection," man says.

"Yeah," Harry agrees.

When you do that, you will affect every atom in this universe. You will affect every person, whether they realize it or not because you're invoking a power that's most powerful. It's loving every person into a perfect being, minus all these negativities of diseases. And you actually do far more for all the heart disease with that attitude, than you would by giving money. But, I'm trying to make a point that it's not important whether you give money to them or not. The important thing is your attitude. You can give for the glory of giving or being put up as a giver. That does you no good. Or you could have the attitude of what you just said and actually give no cash and you're doing far more good. So, it's the attitude that's important.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-17 01:13:18 | 显示全部楼层
Love is the Answer to All Problems

Love is the answer to all problems. No matter what the problem is, if you will just apply love to the fullest extent possible and succeed, that problem will drop away immediately. Just don't get aggravated. Just know that everything is fine, everything is alright and just feel love and you'll see that problem resolve itself, no matter how difficult a problem it is. When there are problems, if we would love more they would disappear. When the love is complete, the problem dissolves immediately.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-17 01:14:32 | 显示全部楼层
Love is Communication
Love is communication. Communication and love go together.
Communication is getting across an idea. I say "Frank tarrarrarrarra" and you say "Oh yeah, tarrarrarrarra." See, it's an idea from me to Frank and acknowledgement of it. That's communication. We both see eye to eye on the same thing. Now,..
"Now this is very important, lets stop right there for a minute. What did you just say? We both see eye to eye. Alright. Now, let's forget about this eye. Right?" man asks.
"Okay," man says.
Well, that I to I meant, it's an expression. I didn't mean a physical eye.
"Alright. Okay. So that these people understand," man replies.
I, I.
"That's good," man says.
"See, see," Bob says.
"I, I," man repeats.
You can easily test this out on your own life. That if you increase communication with an individual you increase the love between the two of you. Just practicing communication. Say something to them, have them acknowledge that they got it by repeating it and go on and on that way and the love between the two of you will keep going up and up. Increasing communication, increases love and the other way around—increasing love, increases communication. You'll notice, the more you love, the more you're able to communicate with people. Can I add something, Bob? It's a very interesting thing that can be tested very easily, just increase communication and you'll see love. Do it with someone who's against you.
"You betcha, because, you know why? Because as Paul said before, if someone appears to be doing something that appears to be against you, there is a lack of communication between I and I. And if you do, if you open up that channel of communication and you see eye to eye and there is no wrong or anything that this man is doing that is foreign to you because your awareness of him is raised to such a degree that there is perfect understanding between the I and I. Isn't that right, Ted?" man asks.
"I can't see if Lester shook his head or not," Ted responds.
Another thing happens as love increases, reality in the world increases also. The more we're capable of loving, the more we'll see things exactly the way they happen. Now, if you practice increasing your reality in the world, your love will go up, too. Just in the same way if you practice increasing communication, your love will go up. Or the converse, the more we love, the more we see things the way they are, in the world. If we were all very loving people, every time there'd be an accident, we'd all see it alike.
"You probably wouldn't see the accident," Harry says.
That's further up, Harry. If you have the love complete, there never would be an accident.
"Because we wouldn't have concepts of accidents," Harry says.
Here it is. Love is communing. Love is communication. Lending support, wanting for the other one, what the other one wants, that is love. The greatest help or giving one may give to another is to help the other to get the understanding of truth. In this way, one gives the other the formula for happiness.

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