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发表于 2009-8-28 18:23:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘要: 因着你认定自己拥有的自主权,一个不可能存在的幻相进入了你的世界...你赋予自己的言行的力量,是绝对的,却是错误的...   作者:Rajpur/ 翻译 若水  亲爱的朋友,    你不是陶匠手中的工艺品,被捏、被烤、出卖,然后置于某家的柜台上,或放在后院里。创造乃是真神的自我流露,即使在这一刻,它仍是真神的自我流露,真实地反映出祂此时此刻的面目。    你若自认为是神的孩子,在祂之外还有自己的自由意志,那么你就会设法具体地描述出那个自我界定,你也会利用自认为拥有的意志来保护这个自我界定。用你们的话来形容,你为自己筑起了一座与世人隔绝的高墙。  因着你认定自己拥有的自主权,一个不可能存在的幻相进入了你的世界,所以,你必须心甘情愿地放弃你的旨意,祂的决定才可能进入你的生命。你一旦放下了自己的意志,不再自行决定自己的未来,你便由作茧自缚中脱身了。  要做到这一点,你还须明白,你赋予自己的言行的力量,是绝对的,却是错误的。你用来支撑它的那个意志,会全面地而且是绝对地操纵着你,使你此刻无法看到,也无法活出真神在这一刻,就在这一刻,活在你内的那个生命真相。  你也必须发现,那隔在你与自己的真相之间的那一道面纱,不过是你不只真的相信还全力拥护的那一套说法而已,此外无他。  当你真心祈求心灵的治愈时,其实你就是祈求:「愿祢的旨意承行」(事实上,祂的旨意从来没有不承行过)。这个祷词与你原先的自我界定恰恰相反,唯有如此,你才能超越你前半生教给自己的一切经验,超越你在自己心目中所认定的模样,开始迈向当初不只塑造了你而且时时与你相通的祂。在那儿,你会说:「愿祢的旨意而非我的旨意承行!」  Dear friends,   You're not a potter's handiwork - thrown, fired, sold, and placed upon a shelf, a table in a living room, or on a patio in someone else's home. Creation is God's Self expressed, and therefore still God's Self expressing that which He is being now! And now! And now!   If you conceive yourself to be God's child, apart from God and given independent will, you will use words describing that conception to define yourself, and you will exercise the "will" you think you have in order to defend that definition. By your words, you will build walls which separate you from the rest of You.   You must release yourself from bondage self-imposed, by letting go self-will, releasing self-determination. You must let His will, by His determination, be established in you through your willingness to forfeit "rights" you thought you had, which introduced illusions where they could not really be.   To do this, you must know the power of the words you authorize is absolute but false! And that the will you use to back them up preoccupies you so completely - absolutely - that you cannot see, you cannot be, the truth of That which God is being now, and now, and now right where You are. You must discover that the veil between you and the Truth of You is only words believed, committed to, defended . . . nothing else.   When you truly pray for healing, you are asking that God's Will be done - which never was undone - and for the words which contradict the definition you have made. This is the way you reach beyond what you have taught yourself, beyond this self you think you are, to Him Who formed You and informs You still, where you may say, "Thy will, not mine be done."   Rajpur  Kingston, Washington  March 11, 2002   转自:奇迹课程中文部  Rajpur 专栏2007/8/9
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