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发表于 2009-8-28 18:24:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘要: 看似有两种关系,两种途径,却都是出自二分法的意识…      Rajpur 述,若水 译  心念一动,相信已为天听;嘴巴一开,相信众生已闻。   亲爱的朋友:   这一谚语标榜了两种关系,两种途径,这是出自二分法的意识,无法一以贯之。  我们可以将它改写为:「聆听上主的天音,活出天音的信息。」  改写之后,听起来虽然不像原来的谚语那么温馨,却具体可行多了,上下两句不只可以贯穿起来,甚至可以视为一事。  「愿祢的旨意承行于我,而且成了我;我所见到的一切万物,也处处有祢。」唯有活出这种天人合一,万物一体的境界,人心便恢复它原有的神圣与清明了。   万物存在的唯一目的就是荣耀它的神圣源头,了悟在祂之外,没有一物存在。想要活出这种心境,显然不易,因为,认定真神远在天边、弟兄姊妹也非一体这类信念制约着全人类的意识,在这信念下,万物都处于对立与冲突中,这种冲突在人间是无解的。    然而,唯有圣爱才能结合整个造化的能力。「心念一动,相信已为天听」好似与神讨价还价;「嘴巴一开,相信众生已闻」,又有操控别人的倾向。唯有放下这两种心态,回归天心,且将祂的神圣归还给世间万物,这才合乎神的旨意。  "Think to be heard of God, Speak to be heard of men."   Dear friends,   It is time for the sentiment expressed in the above quotation to be replaced with:   "Listen to hear God, Express what you hear."
The former describes two kinds of relationships and two means of relating, which can, unfortunately, be utterly exclusive - inconsistent and divisive. The latter is not sentimental, but practical - consistent and uniting.   Divine Sanity lies in Oneness restored: "Thy will be done through me, as me, to all that You are in everything I see."   The only Function anything has is to glorify its Source, knowing it has no existence separate from It. To live this is apparently difficult, because all are conditioned to believe that God is separate, as are one's brothers and sisters. Existence on the basis of these beliefs is conflicted, and the conflict is incapable of being resolved.   However, Love is the uniting Event which fills all of Creation when "thinking to be heard of God" (negotiating) and "speaking to be heard of men" (manipulating) are abandoned in favor of yielding to God and glorifying Him by introducing nothing other than God into the experience of being.      Rajpur
Kingston, Washington
February 15, 2002  转自:奇迹课程中文部 Rajpur 专栏  2007/4/16
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