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发表于 2009-8-28 18:24:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘要: 切莫把那引领你到祂那儿的指标和祂甘甜的爱混为一谈了,同样的,你也不可把逼得你无路可退才转向祂求助的那些痛苦经历与祂混为一谈了…      Rajpur传述, 若水中译  亲爱的朋友,     你可知道,在此世上,你比任何经典、教义、哲学,甚至宗教,更堪称为「人性升华」的推手。更好说,你是世上唯一能促成这一升华的轴心力量。     任何教义或学说都没有能力示现上天的爱;而唯有示现出来的爱,才有促进升华或进化的作用,但没有人能教你如何示现这一种爱。所有的宗教或灵修最多只能将你带到内在充满挣扎与决定的那个枢纽,在那儿,你学习臣服,不只说:「愿祢的旨意承行」,你更具体地放下自己的意愿而选择祂的大愿。     切莫期待任何经典或教义能够启示给你神的面目,那等于缘木求鱼。过于崇拜某本经典或学说,反会阻碍你回归自己心中的圣坛。我们都在那儿等候你,你的解脱也在那儿等候着你。   这本来不是一件难事,但你若受经典文字所误导,过于执着于那些外在的助缘,反而举步维艰。别把这些文字当成偶像崇拜,更不必让你的生活绕着这些文字打转,它们最多只能吸引你进入心内,到了那儿以后,你就该放下这些指路的助缘了。怀着单纯而谦虚的心向祂全然开放,切莫把那引领你到祂那儿的指标和祂甘甜的爱混为一谈了,同样的,你也不可把逼得你无路可退才转向祂求助的那些痛苦经历与祂混为一谈了。   只要是能帮你中止荒唐无稽的作为,引你进入内在圣坛的事物,不论是什么,你都该感恩,但不要去崇拜那些促成你发心而接受了天赋产业的道具。   你的心灵一经开启,你就成了那个「爱」(那是无法传授的),一切都在爱中焕然一新了。于是,你开始参与了天父的事业,所举手投足,都含有前所未见的创新性。   Dear friends,   Do you know that you are a more efficacious voice for transformation in the world than any book, teaching, philosophy or religion? In fact, you are the only dynamic point of transformation that exists!   Teachings and thought systems have not the capacity to embody Love, and only Love embodied is transformational. How to be the presence of Love cannot be taught. Therefore, all that any religious or spiritual teaching worth its salt can do is point you in the direction of that inner point of honest struggle and decision, wherein you yield to God - where you do more than say, "Thy will be done," and actually set aside your own in favor of His.   Do not ask any book or teaching to reveal God to you. It is impossible. To revere a document or a set of words will only distract you from the reverence due the altar in your heart where We await you, and your freedom from illusion, too.   It is so easy, but preoccupation with external props can make it difficult if they are used improperly. Do not make gods of them and bow to them. Do not revolve your life around their words, but let the words inspire you to go within. From there release the words that helped you to that inner place, and open up to Him in all simplicity, humility. Don't hold Him to the words that brought you to the point of feeling His sweet love for you, just as you would not hold Him to the suffering it sometimes takes to bring you to your knees and open up your heart.   Whatever brings you to that place within where all the bullshit stops, be grateful for. But do not idolize the means by which your honesty came into play and opened up the door to your Inheritance. Once opened, you will be the Love that can't be taught, and transformation will occur, for you will be about your Father's business, hopelessly original in everything you say and do and be.   Rajpur
Kingston, Washington
April 11, 2002   转自:奇迹课程中文部  Rajpur 专栏2006/10/3
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