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Q #332奇迹课程中有哪些章节是关于“反业力”的内容的

发表于 2009-8-28 18:24:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘要:分裂在实相中从未真的发生过。所以,事实上,你除了幻觉以外,没有任何东西需要去释放。      (资料来源:http://www.facimoutreach.org/qa/questions/questions61.htm#Q332)  翻译:皮哩哩 (奇迹群学友)2008/7月  问题332:我记得几个月前我读了奇迹课程中的一段,然后我想把它再找出来。于是,我把这一段标记为“抵抗业力的条款”,因这一段似乎指出:当一个人原谅并接受了宽恕,对已发生之事的记忆就改变了,就是说对那些事件涉及的所有人和物来讲,他们所感受到的过去已经在记忆里产生了变化。我知道我有点辞不达意,也许您对此能有点建议。   答:有两段可爱的篇章立刻进入了我的头脑,没准其中一个就是你想要再看一遍的那段。这两篇都传达了奇迹课程的美善之意。奇迹课程教给我们:宽恕会将我们轻轻托举于时间之外,如此,把我们从那受时间约束的小我的所有不良后果中释放出来。设若奇迹课程教你:释放小我一定需要时间,就比如“业力”的观念中就认为消业需要时间,那就等于承认小我是真实的,而圣子与上主的分裂也真的发生过了。但是,作为奇迹课程的主要练习,去练习原谅,也就“宽恕原则”,是建立在一个根本大前提上的。这个大前提就是:其实分裂在实相中从未真的发生过。所以,事实上,你除了幻觉以外,没有任何东西需要去释放。   按照这两个篇章在正文中出现的先后顺序,我给你看看这两段。   你这么神圣的人怎么可能会遭遇痛苦呢?除了那美善以外,你过去的一切都过去了,除了祝福以外,没有任何东西留下来。我已经把你所有的每一个慈爱的念头都保存了下来。我已经把那遮蔽了它们之光的错误净化了,在它们完美的柔光中我一直为你保存着它们。它们立于毁灭和罪咎之外。他们来此于你心中的圣灵,现在我们都知道上主所造之物必是永恒的了T.5.IV.8:1,2,3,4,5,6)。   按照小我的方式利用时间,恐惧是不可避免的。因为时间,按照它教给你的,只是一个工具,用来深化罪咎,直到它无时无刻无处不围绕这你,要求进行永远的复仇。   现在,圣灵会将这一切给予化解。恐惧不存于当下,仅仅存于过去和未来,而过去和未来其实都是不存在的。当每一刻都独立清晰地存在,与过去分离,也不把过去的阴影延伸给未来,当下就没有恐惧。因为每一刻的诞生都是清净的,未受过去损污的,因此上主之子能够从过去中脱身而安住于当下。而当下便扩展成了永恒。这当下,也就是永恒之境,是如此美丽,如此清净,全无罪咎,除了幸福以外别无其它。黑暗在此地无法被记起,永恒和欢乐就是现在。黑暗在此地无法被记起,永恒和欢乐就是现在。   这个课程不需要时间。因为没有了过去和未来的时间,还能叫时间吗?误导你至如此地步是需要时间的。而活出你真正的样子则不花任何时间。开始练习圣灵利用时间的方式吧。把它当作幸福和平安的教具。把握这当下的一刻吧,现在就这样做,并把它看做是时间的全部。在这当下的一刻,过去的任何事物都无法触及你,就在这儿,你全然地被“赦免”了,全然地自由并且不带任何诅咒。在这神圣的当下一刻,神圣性重生了,而你将毫无恐惧的进入时间,并不再感觉时间有所变化。(T.15.I.7:6,7; 8; 9).  Q #332: A few months ago I remember reading a passage in A Course in Miracles that I'd love to find again. At the time, I labeled it the "anti-karma clause," because it seemed to indicate when one forgives/accepts atonement, the actual event is remembered differently -- it is as if the perceptual past is changed in memory for all involved. I know I'm not explaining this well. Maybe you have some suggestions.   A: Two lovely passages come immediately to mind, one of which perhaps is the one you are looking to rediscover. Both communicate the Course’s beautiful teaching that forgiveness lifts us up outside of time and so can release us from all the seeming effects of the time-bound ego. If the Course taught otherwise -- that the undoing of the ego must necessarily take time, as the idea of karma entails -- then the ego would have to be real and the separation from God would have had to happen. But the fundamental premise, upon which the Course’s central practice of forgiveness rests, which is the statement of the Atonement principle, is that the separation never happened in reality. So, in truth, nothing but illusions need to be undone.    And so here they are, in the order in which they appear in the text:   "How can you who are so holy suffer? All your past except its beauty is gone, and nothing is left but a blessing. I have saved all your kindnesses and every loving thought you ever had. I have purified them of the errors that hid their light, and kept them for you in their own perfect radiance. They are beyond destruction and beyond guilt. They came from the Holy Spirit within you, and we know what God creates is eternal" (T.5.IV.8:1,2,3,4,5,6).   "There is no escape from fear in the ego's use of time. For time, according to its teaching, is nothing but a teaching device for compounding guilt until it becomes all-encompassing, demanding vengeance forever.   The Holy Spirit would undo all of this now. Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and future, which do not exist. There is no fear in the present when each instant stands clear and separated from the past, without its shadow reaching out into the future. Each instant is a clean, untarnished birth, in which the Son of God emerges from the past into the present. And the present extends forever. It is so beautiful and so clean and free of guilt that nothing but happiness is there. No darkness is remembered, and immortality and joy are now.  This lesson takes no time. For what is time without a past and future? It has taken time to misguide you so completely, but it takes no time at all to be what you are. Begin to practice the Holy Spirit's use of time as a teaching aid to happiness and peace. Take this very instant, now, and think of it as all there is of time. Nothing can reach you here out of the past, and it is here that you are completely absolved, completely free and wholly without condemnation. From this holy instant wherein holiness was born again you will go forth in time without fear, and with no sense of change with time" (T.15.I.7:6,7; 8; 9).
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