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Q #28如何宽恕凶残?

发表于 2009-8-28 18:24:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

施宏扬 林慧如 合译 若水修订
  Q #28:  我如何能够宽恕他人所做出令人发指的行为?我如何能宽恕杀人凶手?难道那都不是真的吗?难道这些都只是小我用来障人眼目的技俩吗?  其实,我也害怕知道真相。当我说,「首要之务我愿看见」,我感到恐慌。我很难放弃我们所营造的世界,我喜欢我们创造出来的某些东西,如”家人”。我得经过死亡才能回到我的实相吗?那样,我就不会孤单了吗?  答:奇迹课程所教导的「宽恕」是:当我们看待像是狙击杀人这种情况时,问问自己,这样的事件正反映出我们什么样的信念?  「宽恕」始于诚实检视我们对于这类杀戮的反应,包括所有关于受害和加害者的感觉和判断;这些感觉和念头有助于揭露小我思想体系下所隐藏的信念:世界是真的、我们只是一具身体、所谓的死亡是我们所谓的「生命」的结束、我们是易受侵害的等等不胜枚举的想法。  奇迹课程接着要求我们辨认出凡此种种皆是我们对自己的感觉和想法,却被我们投射到加害和受害者身上了。我们所要学习的,便是认清伴随这些感受而来的痛苦,其实早在事件发生前便已存在我们的心中了,虽然看起来我们的感觉好像是那一事件所引发起来的。  这就是为何奇迹课程说,宽恕我们的弟兄,因为他们什么也没有做。心甘情愿地宽恕上主之子并未真正做出的事情吧!(T.17.III.1:5) 是我们错误的信念造成我们的感觉,而非那个杀人凶手。如果我们愿意这样看待事情,表示我们已经开始质疑小我的谎言,已经准备好接受另一种看待事情的眼光。  虽然这有时很难办到,它需要操练和更深的诚实,唯有如此,才可能触及我们思想体系中那个导致痛苦的根深柢固的信念。痛苦乃是来自于我们相信小我的谎言,而非来自外境(好比我们在此讨论的杀戮这类事件)。  我们在操练时,有一点相当重要:当我们练习以另一种眼光看待问题时,不要去否认我们心中对于小我这个充满恐惧和仇恨的世界里那些荒唐事件的任何感觉和想法,也不强迫自己试着去接受那颠覆旧有小我知见的新思想体系,那只会让我们躲在自己错误观念里并筑起高墙防卫自己,反而加深了恐惧。  只要我们愿意这样说:也许我看错了这件事!那我们所营造出的世界和所有的人际关系,当然包含了我们的所爱,都变成了我们的教室,供我们学习以圣灵的眼光来诠释我们所见到的一切,它们便不再是障人眼目之物了。  (注:奇迹课程使用“营造”来形容小我的世界;“创造”仅用于指上主在天心层次中由爱延伸出的一切)  奇迹课程告诉我们,圣灵并不会取走我们任何人际关系,只是赋予它们不同的诠释和目的。没有了它们,我们就无法觉察到那些使我们沈睡不醒的错误自我信念以及一切善恶判断。  我们已使自己害怕面对真相,为此,才会有一位“上师”邀请我们和祂一起一步步前进,迈向崭新的思考方式。只要我们这样与耶稣或圣灵携手前进,我们不会孤独或是“死亡”的。  我们迟早会彻底从梦中苏醒,看清自己只是在做梦而已,根本没有死亡这一回事,也无须死亡。同时,在宽恕中所踏出的每一步,带给我们更多的平安和使我们跟真理更加接近。那儿,我们的「家人」包含了所有的人,再也不可能有任何失落感的。  How do I forgive others for their horrible acts? How can I forgive the sniper? Is this not real? Is it the distraction of the ego?   I also fear what is real. When I say, above all I want to see, I become terrified. I have a hard time giving up this world we created. I love some of my creations, like my family. Don't I need to die to return to my reality? Won't I be lonely?  A: The forgiveness the Course is teaching us is a process of looking at a situation such as the sniper killings and asking ourselves what this event is telling us about what we believe.   We begin by looking honestly at our reactions to these killings which include all kinds of feelings and judgments about the victims and the victimizers. All these feelings and thoughts are useful in uncovering the hidden beliefs of the ego thought system; that the world is real, that we are bodies, that what we call death is the end of what we call "life", that we are vulnerable to attack…the list goes on and on.  The Course then asks us to recognize that all these are feelings and thoughts about ourselves that we have projected on to the victims as well as the victimizers. We are learning that the feelings/thoughts along with the pain they cause were already with us before the event took place. The event only seemed to cause the feelings.   This is why the Course says we forgive our brothers for what they did not do. "Be willing to forgive the Son of God for what he did not do" (T.17.III.1,5). The snipers did not cause our feelings, our mistaken beliefs did. If we are willing to look at any situation in this way we are beginning to question the ego’s lies. We are then in a position to ask for another way of seeing.   This is sometimes very difficult to do, it takes practice and a lot of honesty, but it is the only way we can get in touch with the beliefs that are keeping us rooted in a thought system that is causing us a lot of pain. This pain is coming from believing the ego’s lies and not from the situation, in this case the killings.  It is very important that we practice this without denying any of the feelings or thoughts we do have about the outrageous events in this ego world of fear and hatred and without forcing ourselves to try to accept a new belief system that challenges our usual ego perspective. This will only entrench us in our mistaken views and make us more afraid.  If we are willing to just say "maybe I’m wrong about this", then the world we’ve made and all our relationships, including those we "love", become our classroom for learning the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of everything we experience rather than serving as a distraction.  (Note: the Course uses the term "made" for the ego’s world. "Creation" refers to God’s extension of love on the level of the Mind only.)  The Course tells us the Holy Spirit will not take any of our special relationships away from us but will instead give us a different interpretation and a different purpose for them. Without them we would not be aware of the mistaken beliefs about ourselves or the judgments (whether for good or for bad) that keep us in our deep sleep.   We have made ourselves afraid of what is real and that is why we have a Teacher who is inviting us to take small steps with Him toward a new way of thinking. If we do this with Jesus or the Holy Spirit by our side we will not be lonely or dead.   Eventually we will fully waken from the dream with the realization that we were in fact only dreaming, with no thought or need for dying. Meanwhile each step in forgiveness brings us more peace and takes us closer to our truth where our family will include everyone and we will not experience any sense of loss.           转自:奇迹课程中文部 Ken Wapnick 2006/4/18
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