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发表于 2009-8-28 18:25:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请教学长:经营人生数十年,结果是亲戚、朋友、同事及同学的隔阂、疏离,及人生的大挫败。自认学得多、懂得多,也有心授课、分享,却不解为何身陷绝境。愿意脱困,故就教于奇迹课程的老学长,Tom Carpenter。  Tom: 对于你的人生经历,我愿试着点出问题背后的一些洞察,同时谈谈在学习过程中,「为人之师」的角色所具的功能。   你是一个害羞、内向及和善的人。你有助人之美愿,但是你连对自己所教的观点都不敢肯定,因为你缺乏自信,又害怕其它老师对你的轻视与抵制。你断定自己能力不足,低人一等,害怕在人间成就任何事情,觉得那些都超乎你之所能,所以你在世间显现脚瘸之相。  我们必须谨记于心,世界像一片镜子,反映出我们对自己的观感。待你学会看见自己原有的完美与完整,与一切人同等地蒙受神的关爱时,你自认为的缺陷,就会消失。  你应该继续发心做「上主之师」,但是你必须先找着内心本具的完满真相,才能认出自己真正的能力,如此,你才能把自己所学到的教给别人。你必须从本真,建立起自信,并且真心愿做上天的工具,让别人也能学到你所学的真理。  你原有能力「听见」上主的声音的,但你加以否认,因为害怕上主说你是没有价值的。你孩童时,常与隐形的玩伴对话,因为你对自己的评价很低,所以从小很少有能让你安心玩在一起或了解你的玩伴。你与双亲之间的关系也同样地疏远,事实上,你与双亲的连结之少,我几乎感觉不出抚养你的究竟是不是亲生的父母。但只要你能信任,你仍能学到爱的能力,并且透过你,将圣灵的爱给予他人。  此刻,人们不被吸引到你身边,因为你先排斥了自己。别忘了我常常说的,人与人的关系,有如「共舞」,我们怎样看待自己,会如实地反映在别人对我们的态度上。你一旦学会信任内在的「神圣之音」并且逐渐看到那声音透过你所帮助到的人,你便会明白,那「神圣的声音」原来就是真实的自己。  这正是应用到奇迹课程所说的「去教你所需要学的」教学原则。只有我们自己能够教给自己需要学的东西,因为当初是我们自己认定自己缺了某些东西,而且还认定了,自己缺的究竟是什么东西。  当你愿意学做一个老师时,那些对自己的观感和你一样的人,就会来到你的面前,于是老师/学生的功能关系,便完美地运作起来了。每个人都会分享类似的妄见,一且接受疗愈,这会将彼此结合起来。在那种结合下,每个人都会感受到内在真我的力量。当然,最关键的因素还是在于我们能否将这教学的任务托付给内在的真理与爱。  了解奇迹课程的内容与观点当然重要,但更重要的是与圣灵的连结,请圣灵来引导我们的学习。对于从未经验过圣灵的指引及其功效的人,要他把注意力集中在圣灵的指引上,开始时非常的难,但我不能不再三地强调这事的重要性。  从来没有人向圣灵求助却空手而回的,问题是,圣灵的援助通常不会以小我认为它所需要的形式出现,所以小我会否定上天已经伸出援手了。研读奇迹课程>以及操练「学员练习手册」,会帮助我们了解所谓的助缘通常是怎样的内涵,那么,我们便知道,助缘其实早已来临了。  每个人都是老师,不同的是看你是在传播「爱」还是传播「恐惧」。我们经常是无意识地教人,传扬小我错误的知见还不自知。如果你能清楚察觉自己正在教人,必然有助你专注于你真正想要学到的东西。教导平安者,就会为自己的生活带来平安,跟他人一起学习平安,会「教」你看见自己原是受人欢迎的,如此,必会促进你生活上的全面和谐。  边教边学,能将我们结合在同一的目标下,它会将我们导向「终结分离意识」之门,而回归我们原本的一体生命。  最后,我愿在此鼓励大家都成为上主之师,因为这能帮我们逐渐移除横梗于自己与上主之间的障碍。
谨此数言,望有帮助。若还需要补充,请不吝相告。  再次感谢你们「上主之师」的一切努力。  仅献上我的爱和祝福 Tom  I will try now to give some insight as to what is going on with Frank, as well as what the role of teaching is in the learning process.  "Frank" is a shy, introspective and gentle person. He has a beautifully sensitive desire to help others, but at the same time he is afraid to really be assertive from a teaching point of view because he lacks self confidence and is afraid those he assumes a teaching role with will dismiss and reject him. He judges himself to be less capable and worthy than others and is really afraid to try to achieve something he feels is beyond his capabilities. This is the reason he appears to be somewhat handicapped by the world's standards. We must remember that the world is only a mirror for how we see ourselves. His self perceived handicap will disappear when he learns he is the perfectly whole, equally loved creation of God.  He should continue with his desire to be a teacher, but to learn of his real capabilities he must find the Presence of truth within himself and teach others as he is being taught. He must place confidence on this Presence and be perfectly willing to be the instrument thru which others are also taught of the truth. He has an ability to "hear" the voice of God, but denies it because he is afraid that the Voice will tell him he is unworthy. As a child he had an "invisible" playmate that he carried on conversations with. Because he did not thin well of himself he did not have many human playmates he could be comfortable with or whom he felt understood him. This also applied to his parents.  He did not relate to them much, so little, in fact, it is hard for me to tell if the people who raised him were even his real parents. He can come to learn of his own ability to love as he trusts and offers the love of the Holy Spirit that will be given to others thru him.  People now are not now drawn to him because he has rejected himself. Again, please remember the "dance" we do with one another. Others will always reflect back to us exactly what we think of ourselves. As he learns to trust the Voice within, by seeing how much help It will bring others thru him, he will come to relate to It as the reality of who he is.  This is how the ACIM principle of "teaching what you need to learn" is applied. It is only we who can "teach" ourselves anything because we are the ones who have decided that something is missing within us, and what that something is. By remaining willing to be a teacher, others will be brought to him who feel about themselves as he feel about himself, so that the teacher/student roles will function perfectly.  Each, by sharing their common misperceptions and the healing of them. will bond them together and in that union will each come to feel the strength that is associated with what is true about them. The most significant aspect of this, of course, is that the teaching is entrusted to the Presence of Truth and Love within us. Understanding the Course and what it teaches is vital, but of even greater importance is reaching the Holy Spirit within and allowing our learning to be directed from there. Never having experienced the effects of being guided from within it can be difficult in the beginning to focus on the need to do this. But I cannot overemphasize the importance of doing it.  No one ever asks for help that help is not given. The problem is that most time the help is not in the form the ego recognizes as what is needed, and so it denies that help was given. Studying the text and lessons helps us to see what really constitutes help, and so recognize that help was given.  Everyone is a teacher, it is simply a matter of what we teach - love or fear. Most of what we teach is unconscious, a continuation of the ego's misperceptions. Consciously acknowledging we are teaching helps us to focus on what we want to learn. Teaching about peace brings peace to our lives. Learning about peace with others teaches us that we are acceptable to them and promotes harmony everywhere in our lives.  Teaching and learning with others joins us in a common, unified goal, opening the door to ending the sense of separation and returning to our oneness.  Finally, always encourage everyone to be a teacher of God because that will slowly remove the barriers we have placed between us and God.  I hope this helps. If you need more let me know. Thank you once again for all you are doing - being a teacher of God.  Love and blessings, Tom  
  转自: 奇迹课程中文部-Ask Tom专栏 2006/4/7
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